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Life, Living, Wellness

seven ways to stay grounded

February 26, 2018

Staying grounded is easier said than done. From small, daily stressors to bigger, fast-paced events, it’s necessary to be mindful of staying grounded. On The Partisan, we focus a great deal on reconnecting — in relationships, with yourself, and with the space around you. Today, we’re breaking down seven simple milk + honey recommended ways to keep your cool.

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Living, Wellness

what is your #AMandPM?

February 21, 2018

When manifesting positivity for the day, we believe the small things can set you up for success. Whether you’re enjoying your favorite cup of tea in the AM or a unwinding in a PM salt bath, these tiny moments of mindfulness can change the course of your day and affect how you impact others.

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Body, Massage, Wellness

reconnect with your physical self

February 19, 2018

In this day and age, connectivity is a funny subject. In a way, we’re more connected than ever. From FaceTime to Facebook, we’ve been provided with countless accessible tools to keep us in touch. The catch? Sometimes we forget to stop and reconnect with ourselves — our own physical being.

We spoke with milk + honey licensed Massage Therapist to discuss ways to reconnect with your physical self. Continue Reading…

Living, Wellness

this will make you a bath person.

February 16, 2018

Disclaimer: If you have a bathtub and rarely use it, let this post serve as “what are you waiting for?” nudge in the right direction. If you have a bathtub and are a bathtime enthusiast, continue reading for your new must-have essential.

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Life, Wellness

the pursuit of peace of mind

February 8, 2018

The pursuit of peace of mind and reconnection to oneself isn’t limited to the realm of meditation, healthy sleep habits, and a budding yoga practice (to name a few). It’s just as important and effective to carve out quiet time within our already-established daily rituals — specifically by taking a closer look at the ways in which we can silence the mental chatter at the start and close of our days. Today, we turn our focus to the art of the bath.

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Life, Wellness

setting intentions for february

February 1, 2018


Connection is what makes us tick. It is the invisible thread that links us to one another, our ideas, our passions, and our pursuits. Connection lays the groundwork for empathy, understanding, authentic communication, and meaningful interaction. And in an age where screen time is prioritized over face time — unless it’s FaceTime, natch — and entire conversations can take place with nary a word being spoken, we’re going the extra mile this month to put our phones down, observe our surroundings, and connect with the people and things that truly inspire us to lead healthier, happier lives. Whether it be carving out time to sit quietly with our thoughts, drawing a bath to unwind and regroup, reserving a much-needed massage, or catching up with a friend in-person (no phones in sight), our goal is to reconnect with ourselves and with each other. Join us.


February • Food • for • Thought

What connections do you value most in your life? Why?

How do you take time to connect to your mind, body, and soul on a daily basis?

Weekly basis?

Monthly basis?

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