Living, Wellness

what is your #AMandPM?

February 21, 2018

When manifesting positivity for the day, we believe the small things can set you up for success. Whether you’re enjoying your favorite cup of tea in the AM or a unwinding in a PM salt bath, these tiny moments of mindfulness can change the course of your day and affect how you impact others.

Next month, we are launching #AMandPM, a blog series and collection of Instagram takeovers featuring a mix of milk + honey experts and influencers. Today, we’re giving you a sneak peek into what you can expect. Read on for milk + honey massage therapist, Lala’s #AMandPM.




Stretch | While still in bed, I like to do a morning stretch with deep breaths. I raise my hands over my head and make my body as long as I can reaching from side to side. If I’m feeling fancy, I make a Figure 4 with my legs and stretch across my side body with cactus arms. I’ll curl to the fetal position and breathe for a moment before planting my feet down and starting the day. Deep breathing and gentle stretching helps the circulatory and pulmonary systems wake up gradually without shocking the system awake.


Lemon Water | I juice one full lemon into a cup of warm water and drink it down to chase an apple cider vinegar shot & probiotic pills I take in the morning. The lemon water gets your gut moving and wakes up your digestive system along with providing antioxidants and immunity strengtheners. If I don’t press snooze two extra times, I’ll even make a smoothie with greens, frozen fruit, coconut milk, and whatever else may be hanging out in the fridge.


Affirmations | Here’s where I may lose ya. I like to dry brush in the morning and then apply coconut oil to my skin while telling myself nice things. Dry brushing is fantastic for exfoliation, circulation, cellulite prevention and all kinds of magic. Coconut oil is great for my skin type and smells fantastic. I find saying affirmations can be cheesy… though when I do them in a power stance in the mirror while listening to Beyoncé, I feel amazing AF.




Foam Roll | My clients never hear the end of me asking if they foam roll. Rolling out the stagnant blood and adhered tissues of your body will make you feel better! After a long day of doing massage or working out, or both, I have a love/hate relationship with my foam roller. Roll out your back, legs, IT band, PSOAS, and hamstrings. If I’m feeling frisky, I’ll grab a lacrosse ball and roll around — targeting my upper back or glutes to release the tighter muscles. (m+h has an amazing product called the RAD roller, which I use on my break at work.)


Hot Tea | As a tradition from my childhood, my grandmother and mom both used tea as a form of stress relief. Tea was a cure-all. So you can find me curled up on the couch with my cats and favorite blanket. Yogi Teas are my favorite because they have special messages on the bag for you to feel inspired. (Some fave blends are: Detox, Bedtime, Stomach Ease, and Kava Stress Relief.)


Epsom Salt Bath | For sore, tired muscles, energetically draining, or treat yo’self days, Epsom salt is straight wizard level. It calms inflammation, flushes toxins, softens skin, reduces pain, and relieves stress from the magnesium in the salt.


Keep an eye out for our #AMandPM Stories — launching in March.

What is your #AMandPM?

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