Life, Living, Wellness

gratitude is good for you

February 9, 2018

We talk a lot about gratitude at milk + honey — not just because it is in the very fabric (er, walls of our spas) of our ethos but because there is, at any given time, something to be thankful for.

If you’ve ever visited one of our spas, you may have noticed our gratitude jars. We welcome any and all #beegrateful thoughts during your milk + honey visit. To practice gratitude is to intentionally think of the things that make you uniquely happy and thankful. We couldn’t think of a better mental exercise than that.

Today, I’m practicing what we preach:

I moved to Austin in June 2013 with no job (yet), very few friends (yet), no dog (yet), no baby (yet), and only a sweet fiancé (now husband) to hang with as I carved a place for myself in this new city. After enduring my first Texas summer, I admittedly felt more at ease, but I still craved a routine and job to round out my new life in Austin.

Enter milk + honey. I don’t remember how I came across that fateful job posting but I do remember everything that followed. Many interviews and one presentation later, I was offered the marketing position. It felt right. It felt like I was not only gaining employment, but I was also gaining entry into the fold of the Austin community. What I gathered then — and know now — is that milk + honey is a beacon of relaxation, renewal, and comfort for so many in Austin. It is a safe space for people to visit, a place where they can unwind and reconnect without judgment. I’m thankful to be associated with something that has a positive impact on people’s lives.

Four years later, whenever people ask me what it was like to move from NYC and adjust to Austin (almost) sight unseen, I tell them that milk + honey was my turning point. It was the moment I felt grounded here. And that feeling of gratitude — to do something that fulfills me, to work alongside the founder and owners, Alissa and Shon Bayer, and a plethora of incredible individuals, to be a part of this company’s growth, and to contribute to the overarching goal of making people feel good — hasn’t subsided.

This is my #beegrateful moment.

What’s yours?

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