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Spa, Wellness

Embrace “Mindful Moments” This Mental Health Awareness Month

May 3, 2024

May is not just about flowers blooming and warmer weather; it’s also Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to prioritize our mental well-being and cultivate a kinder, more compassionate relationship with ourselves. This year, we invite you to join us on a journey of self-discovery and healing as we explore “Mindful Moments” throughout the month.

At milk + honey, we’re thrilled to partner with a diverse group of mental health experts, psychologists, trainers, and healers who are dedicated to providing you with the tools and resources you need to take care of your mental health. Together, we aim to create a supportive community where everyone feels empowered to prioritize their well-being.

Meet Our Mental Health Partners

  1. Angie Jones | Austin, TX
    Angie is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Supervisor, specializes in helping adolescents, adults, and couples navigate various challenges, including trauma, grief, anxiety, depression, PTSD, life transitions, and more. With a background spanning community mental health, public schools, anti-human trafficking, and private practice, Angie brings over seventeen years of diverse experience to her work.
  2. Erin Rachel Doppelt | Austin, TX
    Erin is a spiritual psychology + meditation teacher, SXSW-featured, Ivy-educated, 5-Star Podcast host, and believer that the world is a better place when more people are living as their true most authentic selves.
  3. Liz Davis | Austin, TX
    Liz is a clinical hypnotist, energy healer, yoga teacher, and a spiritual guide. Through her healing journey, she has gained the tools and training to support your healing journey. It is her wish to work together to reveal your truth. To grow. To heal. To claim the life you deserve of health, wealth, and happiness.
  4. Mareesa Jackson | Fort Worth, TX
    Mareesa is a yoga instructor, Reiki Master, and Sound Healing Practitioner. Mareesa has been paving her way in the wellness world since 2018. Over the years, she has completed many yoga teacher certifications, laying a strong foundation for understanding the importance of the mind-body connection.
  5. Imani Semien | Houston, TX
    Imani is a yoga instructor, space holder, and Reiki practitioner. Imani is also a mother, wife and educator. As an educator, the stresses of work and motherhood pushed her into mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga and journaling. Imani now holds space for other women and mothers to find healing within.
  6. Andy Wood | Chicago, IL
    Andy has practiced meditation for nearly 2 decades and decided to further his wellness journey in 2023 by becoming a licensed massage therapist and joining the milk + honey team.
  7. Lauren Mulne | Los Angeles, CA
    Lauren is a Certified Holistic Health Coach & Sound Practitioner who fuses sound healing, mindfulness and meditation, to help individuals improve their health and manage stress. She invites you to deepen your musical connection with sound meditation to heal the mind, body and soul.

Join Us for Healing, Wellness, and Relaxation

Throughout Mental Health Awareness Month, we’ll be hosting a series of events led by our partners. Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Together, let’s prioritize our mental well-being and cultivate a life filled with “Mindful Moments.”


At milk + honey, we believe that mental health is a journey, not a destination. Together, let’s take the first step towards a healthier, happier future.


Elevate Your Self-Care Experience: How a milk + honey Membership Can Help You Achieve Your New Year Goals

January 29, 2024


Making self-care a part of your new year goals is a beautiful commitment to your own well-being and happiness. But have you been keeping that promise to yourself? What have you planned for this year that makes self-care a priority? We want to help, so we have updated our milk + honey membership to help make self-care part of your routine.

  1. Immerse Yourself into a Peaceful Mindset:
    Imagine stepping into a space where the outside world gently fades away and your well-being takes center stage.  With soothing music, soft lighting, and the delightful aroma of essential oils  embrace your senses, setting the stage for the ultimate self-care experience, milk + honey spas are designed to transport you to a state of calmness.


  1. Tailored Treatments for Your Unique Needs:
    At milk + honey, we understand that no two individuals are the same. That’s why our expert providers take the time to listen and customize each treatment to your specific needs. From tension-melting massages to brightening facials, there’s a carefully curated selection of services to suit every desire. 


  1. Discover the Power of Regular Spa Visits:
    A milk + honey membership is your tool to self-care success throughout the year. Committing to regular visits creates a  space for yourself, providing much-needed respite from life’s demands. With every visit, you’ll emerge feeling lighter, revitalized, and ready to conquer any challenges that come your way.


As you embrace the new year with open arms, remember that self-care isn’t just a luxury – it’s a necessity for your overall well-being. When we invest in our physical and mental health, stress hormones drop, confidence rises, and happiness improves. Now that’s something we can all get behind.

Your journey to a happier, healthier you begins here.

Body, Gift Guide, Wellness

Looking For The Perfect Holiday Gift?

November 23, 2022
Spa Gift Certificates

It’s that time of the year again and if you’ve already started holiday shopping, you have a million and one things on your mind.

– How much to budget.

– How to find the perfect gift for your loved ones.

– And of course, where will you get that special gift from.

Holiday shopping can be down-right overwhelming and stressful. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be. Gift certificates are perfect because they give the recipient more freedom to choose exactly what they want, and a milk + honey gift certificate is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

Here’s why:

Holiday Bonus Vouchers
In appreciation of your loyalty we want to show our gratitude through this generous holiday offer. From now through 12/31/22 clients who purchase $500 or more in gift certificates are eligible for bonus vouchers.

  • Clients who purchase between $500-$999 will receive $100 in gift certificate bonus vouchers.
  • Client’s who purchase $1,000 or more will receive $250 in gift certificate bonus vouchers. 

Give the Gift of Health and Wellness
Let’s face it, healthy living isn’t always the easiest thing to achieve when you are juggling everyday life. A gift certificate to milk + honey is not only thoughtful, but beneficial to help with stress levels, better sleep and overall wellness. Gift certificates are great holiday gift options because they make it easy for your loved one to enjoy some well-deserved time to themselves. Giving the gift of health and wellness with a spa gift certificate is a great option for anyone on your holiday list.

So what are you waiting for?

Shop milk + honey gift certificates


30 Fun Things To Do At Home Alone

June 7, 2021

It’s no secret that we’re all spinning a lot of plates. Life was moving at warp speed as it was, and then 2020 decided to throw a few curveballs into the mix. We’re all facing new demands on our lives, and balance seems more elusive than ever. In all likelihood, self-care has slipped to the bottom of many of our to-do lists. 

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how to reduce the effects of blue light

March 15, 2019

Warby Parker is a beloved eyewear brand that doesn’t just make trendy glasses. They bring the power of vision to those in need, offer in-store eye exams, and work to educate their followers on vision health. So when they asked us to help spread the word of vision health for Save Your Vision Month, we were excited to learn more. But, wait a second–what even is blue light? (Yep, same.) According to HOYA, it comes from the sun, CFL bulbs, LED lightbulbs, and LED screens. If better wellness is on your to-do list, these strategies for reducing exposure to blue light are an easy place to start.

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Living, Wellness

a return to growth + renewal {april 2018}

April 6, 2018

Springtime represents rebirth and renewal — in our surroundings and in ourselves. So, we’re embracing this notion of a season-in-bloom to focus on our love for the earth, practice everyday sustainability, clear out the literal and metaphorical clutter, and to grow our foundational product ingredient knowledge so we can make smart, educated decisions about the daily impact we make on others and on the environment.

Food • for • Thought

What is one thing you can do every day to minimize your environmental footprint?
How can you clean up your beauty routine — one product at a time?
In your home: where do you feel most calm? Where do you feel most chaotic? Why?
What is one small kindness you can do for another person daily? Weekly? Monthly?



Living, Wellness

maintain + sustain the good in your life

March 1, 2018

As the year progresses, so does our personal journey to detoxify and simplify our lives. With each month, we turn our focus to another crucial element in this process. For March, we will solidify into place the good habits and rituals we’ve identified as the ones that are integral to our daily lives and our daily happiness. How do we maintain and sustain the routines that ground us and, simultaneously, lift us up? How do we continue to do them so that they don’t slowly turn into dreaded chores? Let’s create the space we need to think thoughtfully about the routines we rely on day in and day out. In doing so, we can — and will — optimize our experiences for a happier, healthier life.


food • for • thought

What’s one thing you do every day that you wish were simpler?

What’s one thing that brings you joy every day?

How do you keep yourself organized? On time? 

Life, Living, Wellness

seven ways to stay grounded

February 26, 2018

Staying grounded is easier said than done. From small, daily stressors to bigger, fast-paced events, it’s necessary to be mindful of staying grounded. On The Partisan, we focus a great deal on reconnecting — in relationships, with yourself, and with the space around you. Today, we’re breaking down seven simple milk + honey recommended ways to keep your cool.

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Living, Wellness

what is your #AMandPM?

February 21, 2018

When manifesting positivity for the day, we believe the small things can set you up for success. Whether you’re enjoying your favorite cup of tea in the AM or a unwinding in a PM salt bath, these tiny moments of mindfulness can change the course of your day and affect how you impact others.

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