Living, Wellness

maintain + sustain the good in your life

March 1, 2018

As the year progresses, so does our personal journey to detoxify and simplify our lives. With each month, we turn our focus to another crucial element in this process. For March, we will solidify into place the good habits and rituals we’ve identified as the ones that are integral to our daily lives and our daily happiness. How do we maintain and sustain the routines that ground us and, simultaneously, lift us up? How do we continue to do them so that they don’t slowly turn into dreaded chores? Let’s create the space we need to think thoughtfully about the routines we rely on day in and day out. In doing so, we can — and will — optimize our experiences for a happier, healthier life.


food • for • thought

What’s one thing you do every day that you wish were simpler?

What’s one thing that brings you joy every day?

How do you keep yourself organized? On time? 

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