
You Want Beautiful Lashes? You Got It.

February 5, 2014

One word: RevitaLash. The magical eyelash formula is back in action!

Come to our downtown location to stock up. And to celebrate RevitaLash’s “comeback,” we’re giving away a three-month supply to one lucky person. So, how do you throw your name into the ring? To enter, do these three things:

1. Be a fan of our Facebook page (we post exclusive day-only upgrades and complimentary treatments there!)
2. “Like” the RevitaLash contest post on our FB page — HERE.
3. Leave a comment about your best — or worst — Valentine’s Day with the hashtag #eyelovemilkandhoney

We’ll pick the winner — and contact them — on Wednesday, Feb. 12. Good luck, and welcome back RevitaLash!

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