
Big News: Pay With PayPal App, Get a Little Treat

November 20, 2013

In an effort to make the checkout experience as seamless as possible for you, we’ve added another option for payment.

::drumroll please::


You can pay with the PayPal mobile app, and it’s as simple as swiping a tab across your screen, approving the amount, and heading out the door. Moreover, it’s free to download here (for Apple users) and here (for Android users).

Have an existing account with PayPal? The setup will be even easier (read: virtually nonexistent) for you.

In celebration of this exciting news, PayPal is treating you to $20 to spend when you use their app to pay at milk + honey. The offer is valid at the downtown location only, and can be put to good use until Jan. 10, 2014.

To recap: pay for treatments and products at the milk + honey downtown location in the 2nd Street District with the PayPal mobile app, and you’ll get $20 to spend in-house.

What are you waiting for?

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