Massage, Wellness

5 Lesser Known Benefits of Massage

October 24, 2017

As we enter National Massage Week, we find ourselves smack dab in the middle of a revolution. From wellness blogs to countless Instagram experts, we’re being encouraged to prioritize ourselves more than ever. Without a doubt, massage is one key piece to a well-rounded wellness puzzle. In fact, massage has many lesser known benefits. Scroll on to learn a handful of massage benefits.

Mood Booster

It’s no secret that massages are a stress reliever, but there’s actual science to prove it. In fact, studies show that massage boosts your serotonin by as much as 30 percent. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that reduces depression and regulates anxiety.

Improves Balance

Emotional balance, check. Physical balance, also check. Massage can help improve stability and balance — especially for older folks. A study suggests massage may produce physiological changes that contribute to improved balance.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Yep, seriously. Lowered blood pressure results have been reported lasting up to 72 hours after massage therapy. This particular test was conducted using Swedish style massage.

Regulates Sleep

Okay, yes — it’s common for some to fall asleep on the massage table. But even outside of the spa, there is research that indicates massage improves sleep for adults.

Keeps You Active

Sports Massages are wonderful for increasing range of motion and speeding recovery in athletic-related injuries.



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