
Buff Dry Winter Skin with Baudelaire Body Brushes

November 9, 2016


Winter is coming. While winter in Texas is relatively mild, your skin still feels the effects of the change in climate. In fact, many of us may start to notice our skin becoming tighter, itchier, and rougher — the tale-tale signs of winter skin. That’s where Baudelaire body brushes come in handy.

Named after French poet Charles Baudelaire and crafted with boar bristles to sloth away dry, dead skin cells, these brushes pave the way for brighter, smoother skin. skin brighter and smoother. While you can use ’em in the shower, you’ll see best results from dry brushing.

What is dry brushing?

If you think that dry brushing is just for removing dead skin cells, prepare to be pleasantly surprised. This technique helps reduce the appearance of cellulite by increasing blood circulation to break down the build up of fat cell, stimulates your body’s lymphatic system, and unclogs clogged pores.

How do you do it?

Before showering, grab your Baudelaire brush and begin brushing at your feet, moving toward your heart. After dry brushing your entire body a couple of times, jump into the shower and cleanse your body with milk + honey’s Gentle Body Wash No. 14. Apply your normal night moisturizers and you’re done.

Baudelaire’s brushes


Softer and more supple skin starts with the boar-bristle Cedar Bath Brush. $11-$15


Post dry-brushing, give your skin a massage with the two-in-one Cedar Bath Brush and Massager. $15


Exfoliate from head to toe with Baudelaire’s most popular product, the Sisal Bath Brush. $10

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Remove dry skin from hands and feet with Cedar or Sisal Nail Brush. $8


Cleanse and rejuvenate your face and neck with the irresistibility cute Hand-held Complexion Brush. $7



Lather and gently exfoliate your skin with the perfect bathing accessory — Baudelaire’s Boxed Natural Wool Sponge. $17

Photo credit: Vavista Life

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