
what we’re #currentlyreading

September 6, 2018

From our milk + honey HQ office to the halls of our spas and salons, we often find ourselves discussing books. The books we’re reading, what we love to read, what everyone else is reading—you name it, we’ve gone there. We even started #bathtimebookclub earlier this summer to discuss some of our favorite reads of the moment. When we discovered today is National Read A Book Day, we knew it was time to strike up the convo again. In honor of the (admittedly niche) holiday, we’re sharing some of our current favorites.


What are you reading? Let us know in the comments.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Douglas Spaeth October 23, 2018 at 8:35 am

    Women Who Run With the Wolves was a great read for our book club several years ago; I enjoyed the conversation from the feminine perspective.
    Highest Duty by Captain “Sully” is an inspiring memoir from a man whose life has been challenging and blessed to know what really matters.
    Carl Sagan’s Contact is sci-fi with hope for our future as human beings in a huge universe.
    All good reads form this partisan!

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