
Minimize Your Allergies With These Eight Natural Remedies

March 27, 2017


The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology found that 50 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies (yikes!). If you fall into that staggering statistic, perhaps you too are experiencing symptoms such as congestion, a stuffy nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, and headaches — all of which can affect your day-to-day routine. To help battle seasonal allergies, here are eight natural remedies to try.

Eight Natural Allergy Remedies


Local Raw Honey


Keep your seasonal allergies at bay with a teaspoon or two of local raw honey. While studies haven’t concluded this natural remedy can help relieve allergies, many naturopathic doctors seem to think it can. The belief is that local honey (harvested where you live) will help your body adapt to the environment. Bees carry pollen from plant to plant before returning to the hive to product honey. Thus, many experts think that local pollen from the flowers is similar to an allergy shot without the side effects.


Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar

Since 480 B.C., apple cider vinegar has been utilized for its healing properties. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, prescribe this vinegar concoction to treat a variety of ailments including coughs and colds. Fast forward to today, apple cider vinegar’s natural blend of antibiotic and antihistamine powers are being used to treat allergies. Many believe that it helps reduce mucus build-up, which causes pressure on your sinus and can help cleanse your lymphatic system.




When an allergy attack starts to happen, grab as many as vegetables, shallots, green onions, and herbs as you can. These foods contain a certain chemical compound called quercetin. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid, which contains super-antioxidant powers. When released, this super-antioxidant controls your allergy symptoms in two ways. First, by stabilizing the overactivity of histamines. Second, by calming the inflammation in your airways to help you breathe better. The result is fewer allergies and easier breathing.



Nettle tea in glass, fresh and dry nettle.

Whether you utilize it in a tea or in capsule form, nettle is a herb that needs to be in your pantry. Dating back to early medieval times, this antihistamine has helped treat everything from reducing blood pressure to promoting hair regrowth. Over the past 10 years, researchers and doctors have found that nettle works wonders at treating allergy symptoms like itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, and a runny nose.




Did you know that probiotics can help fight allergies? Ingesting probiotics, better known as “good bacteria,” has been shown to strengthen your immune system. A stronger immune system means that you’re less likely to suffer from allergies due to your body’s higher tolerance against natural allergy stressors. In a recent study, researchers found that those who took probiotic supplements or ate it in foods saw a decrease in their allergy symptoms and attacks.


Eucalyptus Oil


If you’re wanting allergy relief from itchy eyes and sinus headaches, look no further than eucalyptus oil. This essential oil contains the anti-inflammatory agent, citronella, which helps to flush out toxins and allergens from the body. Eucalyptus oil can also provide relief from allergies merely with its cooling sensation. When you breathe in this oil, the minty smell improves your airflow by opening up the lungs and sinus. This essential oil can be administered topically, through a diffuser, or by adding a couple of drops to your favorite tea.


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Instead of turning to over the counter drugs for your allergies, try a massage. By focusing on certain pressure points, a massage therapist can help increase circulation, which can improve cortisol levels. Cortisol is a natural anti-inflammatory agent that is produced by your adrenal glands. When you having an allergy attack, it’s due to the excess amount of histamines in the environment and the stress it puts on your adrenal glands to produce enough cortisol. During a massage treatment, therapist work to decrease stress and increase the body’s circulation to offer allergy relief. Good news! Some of milk + honey’s massage therapists are certified in allergy relief techniques.

{Photo Credits: AllergiesHoney | Apple cider vinegar | Quercetin | Nettle tea | Probiotics yogurt | Eucalyptus oil }

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