
Go Green for the Holidays

December 16, 2008

At milk + honey we take extra efforts to minimize our impact on the environment. Below are a few ideas from our eco-wise team of Spa Partisans how to be a lean, green, waste not machine:

•Reuse or recycle packing materials – Online purchases are on the rise which means lots of bubble wrap, packing peanuts and styrofoam. Bubble wrap can be stored for reuse (if you can resist the insatiable urge to pop it), or it can be recycled. Foam packing chips are not as easily recycled. If you don’t want to store this material for future use, take it to a shipping center such as the UPS stores that will gladly use it. While its easy to recycle cardboard, its even better to reuse boxes. Before you break down those boxes and put them out to the curb, spend just a few minutes to find someone in need of a box or two. You can save the landfill while helping a friend.

•Recycle old electronics – New flat-screen computer monitors, laptops, cameras, cell phones are common holiday gifts. Older models which are being replaced are usually still in working order and should not be discarded to a landfill. Click here for information to help recycle these items.

•Christmas trees can be recycled too – Cut trees are useful material for composting. Composting requires a carbon source and Christmas trees are just right for municipal operations which use chippers to shred the material. trees which are up for replacement may also be recycled. These trees are usually made from metal which is accepted by most recycling centers.

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