Father’s Day is almost here and to showcase the love we have for Dad, we asked some of our milk + honey Spa Partisans to share with us some of their favorite memories, inside jokes, and moments with Dad.
“It sounds cliche, but I really do have the greatest Dad in the world! From the time I was a baby, I was destined to be his little girl. Everything about me comes from him: my bubbly personality, love of sports, positive outlook, work ethic, love of family and animals, truly the list could go on forever. This is my favorite photo of all time — from my favorite day of all time.” — Kate T., Procurement Director
“I was recently promoted within milk + honey and decided to share the good news with my parents. I forwarded them the announcement email about my new position, and my dad forwarded it to the rest of the family with ‘they are talking about our little girl’ in the text.” I’m almost 40 years old and my dad still thinks of me as his little girl and that makes my heart so happy.” — Summer S., Managing Director of Operations
“My Dad is my best friend and hero. He has taught me everything I know and he’s so incredibly generous. Even at times when he didn’t have a lot to give, he was determined to make us happy with what we had and it never failed. I’m so grateful for the way he has shaped my outlook on life. I asked my brother what his favorite memory of our Dad is. He told me the story of the time when he and Dad were playing football in the yard with the neighborhood guys. My friends and I were hanging out watching, and the ball got stuck in the tree. It seemed as if that meant ‘game over’ for now. Well, without hesitation, my Dad climbed up that tree by bear hugging it and got that ball down. Game on!” — Lauren P., 2nd Street District Stylist
“My dad means the world to me. He is my rock and my best friend. Some of my favorite memories involve the two of us watching horror movies and pigging out on junk food on the weekends and me helping him wash the dishes, even though we always got into a splash fight! I’m truly blessed to have this wonderful man in my life. I can honestly say that his influence has made me the strong woman that I am today. He would always say ‘I love you more than air.’ I love you too, Pops, always.” — Morgan M., River Oaks Concierge

“When I was 17, my Dad caught me in the bathroom coloring my hair, as well as the tip of the dog’s tail, bright pink. He took one look at the both of us and shook his head in disappointment. Like any young teenager, I was understandably upset. What made this moment beautiful was that my Dad took the time to draw me a picture of himself and our family dog covered in pink streaks and wrote the most heartfelt apology. He wrote that he would love me no matter what color my hair was, and encouraged me to follow my passions and do what I love, saying, ‘if you do what you love, you never truly work a day in your life.’ I’m so thankful for my Papa Bear and all of the wisdom he has taught me. He’s always there for me with a kind word, a totally embarrassing dad joke, a beer to cheers, or a great song recommendation to get me through anything that comes my way. I love him to the furthest star and back.” — Erin S., South Lamar Stylist

“When I think about my favorite memory with my Dad, there are about 50 that come to mind. The most memorable one has to be the fact that my Dad taught me how to swim, even though he doesn’t know how to swim himself! I can clearly remember him taking me to the pool and making me kick my little legs. At the time, I had no idea that he didn’t know how to swim. This one moment speaks volumes to who he is as a person and father. He’s always willing to do anything for my sister and I, even if he doesn’t quite know how! My dad is funny, strong-willed, and always the life of the party. I used to hate when people told me I was just like him, but as I have gotten older, I feel a huge sense of pride when someone says it.” — Adri B., Arboretum Market Manager

“My Dad is a quirky, quiet (until you get to know him), water sports-lovin’ guy, and I am grateful to have gleaned many of the same incredible traits he has displayed throughout my almost 30 years. Despite the angsty arguments I’d instigate during my high-school prime (sorry, Dad!), the unpaid parking tickets and library fines from senior year (sorry, Dad!), and the calls home during college to tell him I’d burn through my monthly allowance (sorry, Dad!), he has always provided me with the support, love, brutal honesty, and encouragement that I needed to lead my adult life as a smart, conscientious, good-decision-making person. From fun-filled trips to Tahoe, camping at the Russian River, tidepool jumping while he went abalone diving, and taking my sister and me to our weekly piano lessons to helping me on my quest to own every Beanie Baby in existence, hiking Waimea Canyon together, walking across the Brooklyn Bridge in search of great pizza, or hearing his touching speech at my wedding, I love my Dad infinitely. He is an indelible part of who I am and has tinged my experiences since Day One with joy just by being there. Finally, I love my dad because he’s a big ol’ weirdo just like me. Like father, like daughter.” — Marisa T., Marketing Director
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