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milk + honey’s ‘Mom and Me’ Stories

April 28, 2016

With Mother’s Day fast approaching, we asked some of our milk + honey partisans to share with us their favorite Mom-isms and memories. We love our Moms! Keep reading.

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“My mom is my best friend and the best person I know. She always keeps me going and never lets me give up. The best piece of advice she ever gave me is to be the best I can be and to always shoot for the stars! She always says to me, ‘You are the smartest, most beautiful, genuine young lady I’m happy to call my daughter. My blessing to you is for you to be seen and known the way I know you.'” — Donna V., River Oaks esthetician 
“My mom is the definition of a Supermom! She is fun, loving, and selfless; she’s always giving all of her time and energy to help others. She knows just what to say when you’re feeling down. My mom loves to be a host and she threw a lot of themed parties for me, my brother, and our friends when we were young. I remember a “Lamb-Chop” themed party specifically and singing “The Song That Never Ends” over and over again with my friends. I am not sure how she had the patience to listen to that all day because the song literally never ends! But, I am so appreciative that I had a fun, easygoing mom :)” — Cherilyn J. concierge
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“My mom is my best friend and my respect and love for her goes beyond words. The best advice she ever gave me is to make sure that whatever I do in life, that I am truly happy. She is my hero and an amazing mother and grandmother, and I am thankful every day for her.” — Amanda M. River Oaks esthetician
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“I would have to say that some of my most cherished memories with my mother be the spontaneous road trips we took together. I’ll always remember exploring various places in Texas and our neighboring states. She used to hand me a Texas map (no GPS at the time) and say, “lead the way co-pilot.” We would fill the hours spent in the car talking, singing, laughing, and playing silly games. My mom is my true best friend and to this day, I don’t know what I would do without her. When I was in college, my Mom made me a picture book titled Life’s Little Instruction Book that had photographs of us at some of those travel destinations. Her instructions included, not to use time or words carelessly, as neither can be retrieved; live life as an exclamation, not an explanation; and last but not least….CALL YOUR MOTHER. ”  — Dawn M. concierge Hill Country Galleria
“Growing up my mother worked but she somehow always had dinner on the table at 6:30 p.m. She was at every one of my soccer games, encouraged me to play every sport, even if I was terrible at it, put up with my teenage antics, and loved me unconditionally. She taught me that family is the most important thing in this life. My best memories always involve family, whether it’s traveling to a foreign country or having everyone over for dinner. My mom cooks a pretty mean brisket, which is a family favorite. Recently,  she gave me her secret recipe and I was nervous that I would somehow mess it up, but luckily the meal turned out fantastically. Each time I make it, I always do what my mother did… invite everyone over, put on some music, and enjoy the company of our loved ones. The memories of my family dinners are priceless! My mother’s unconditional love for her family is something that makes me proud to be her daughter. ” — Jen W. 2nd Street District assistant manager
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“When milk + honey  asked me to share a favorite memory or best advice I ever received from my mom, my first thought was “how in the world do I just pick one?” It’s impossible to sum up the person who has had the greatest impact on my life in just a little paragraph. Incredibly kind, patient, thoughtful, beautiful, compassionate, hilarious— there truly aren’t enough words to describe her. She’s the one person who has been with me for every important moment of my life. She has continuously cheered me on, encouraged me, and advocated for me and now she’s helping me do the same for my son. The one piece of unwavering advice that she handed down to me, and I always adhere to, is to never leave the house without mascara! I’m quite certain this piece of advice set me on my path to becoming a makeup artist and sparked my, somewhat unhealthy, obsession for all things sparkly, glittery and glossed!”  — Corrie B. South Lamar concierge 

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  • Reply Shah Shahin ali December 24, 2018 at 8:00 am


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