
The World is Flat: The Observational Printmaking of Veronica Ceci

July 24, 2012

by Veronica Ceci

Come support Veronica Ceci, a local artist and milk + honey concierge, and she makes her debut at Flatbed Press.

The World is Flat: The Observational Printmaking of Veronica Ceci
July 14 – August 4, 2012

Veronica, a master lithographer, creates images from observation of real people interacting with personal, portable machines such as tablet computers, smart phones and cameras. She is also inspired by the dense, planographic configuration of the machine’s screens. Her use of graphic shapes and flat colors reminds us of the increased banality of life with the pronounced and heightened presence of these social technologies and information providers. Ceci’s compositions highlight how often these tools distance us from real and meaningful contact with each other and our environment.

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