
milk + honey’s Mother’s Day Makeover Contest Winners!

May 7, 2012

The response to our makeover contest was absolutely overwhelming. We want to thank everyone for taking the time to write us and tell us why their mom should win.

Each winner will receive the following: m + h Manicure/Pedicure, Cut + Color, Makeup Application, and a goodie bag filled with our favorite milk + honey products.

Our Three Winners
2nd Street District Winner
Robin (Entered by her daughter Tara)
“My mother has been a single mom to me and my sisters since I was 10. She was always able to scrape together enough money for our dance classes, braces, and track uniforms. She always did without. She started going to college at night and persevered through nine years of it because she was only able to take one or two classes a semester. After receiving her teaching degree she opened a Pre-K and turned part of our home into a classroom. She has refused to raise prices over the past five years because she believes the community needs a low-priced, quality Pre-K. She is patient, loving, and considerate. She deserves to be pampered and shown affection just as she has for her children, her community, and her church for decades.”

Hill Country Galleria Winner
Mary Lisa (Entered by her daughter Ashley)
“My mom is graduating college on May 11, 2012. She has been a single mom with two kids working two, sometimes even three jobs to put us through college and pay for my wedding! She has done so much and deserves pampering after working and being a full-time student (at 47 years old, it’s really amazing). I am so proud of her and would love to be able to treat her to this. She is truly the best mom, and would never ask for this on her own, but would soak this up! She never has the time to do this for herself, but she deserves this.”

Arboretum Market Winner
Rebecca (Entered by her sister Noemi)
“My sister is the strongest woman I know. She left a difficult relationship to raise her beautiful two-year-old daughter, in a safe and happy environment. She is a single, working mother who struggles every day to provide the best she can for her sweet baby girl. Because she works so hard to take care of everybody else, I think she deserves to be pampered with a milk + honey makeover to remind her of how beautiful she is, inside and out.”

Next month we’ll highlight the makeovers so you can see the transformation from these deserving moms. Again, thank you to everyone who entered.

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