
Join milk + honey at the 2nd Street District TRIBEZA Style Week Boutique Crawl

September 19, 2011

milk + honey spa is excited to join in the fun of the TRIBEZA Style Week Boutique Crawl. Attendance is free! Click here to sign up.

When: Thursday, September 22 from 5pm to 8pm
Where: downtown milk + honey spa, SALON by milk + honey and other great 2nd Street District boutiques

Shoppers will enjoy prizes, complimentary beverages and more at their favorite boutiques during the TRIBEZA Style Week Boutique Crawl.

milk + honey spa and SALON by milk + honey are giving away a robe and hair and makeup products. Those aren’t the only prizes. Other boutiques are giving away a pair of tickets to Blondie at ACL Live, designer denim from Girl Next Door, a shopping party and gift cards to Plain Ivey Jane, gift cards to Estilo, Langford Market, PRIZE, Teddies for Bettys, Etcetera, Etc., Eliza Page, Delish, Duo, Gallery D and MISSBEHAVE, a night’s stay at the W Austin, and 2 VIP tickets to TRIBEZA Style Week!

Attendance is free! Click here to sign up.

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