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What’s the best way to cleanse my skin daily?

March 24, 2011

Laura M, one of our amazing estheticians, provided the following skin cleaning tips:

“During one of my facials, I can provide in-depth instruction on how to properly cleanse at home. However, here are a couple of tips that will get you started:

You want to spend at least 60 seconds, twice a day, cleansing your skin. Think of it like a rapid micro massage: we flood the tissue with blood flow which brings oxygen and nutrients, all of which begin healing and strengthening from the inside out.

Spread your fingers: this encourages blood to flow between the finger tips, ‘hug your bones’, and move your fingers in circular motions. To give your bones a little hug, you want to place enough pressure on the tissue to find your bone structure. For example, on your cheeks, you are looking to feel your cheekbones, and along your jaw line and chin, you are looking for your jaw and the outline of your teeth. Be sure to hold the tissue taut, especially around the orbital of the eye. A lot of people are afraid to touch their eyes, but they are the part of the face that needs the most stimulation- so hold the tissue tight out and up away from the eye and invigorate the tissue by moving your fingers in small circular motions taking care to place pressure on the orbital bones. Always make sure to work the crevices of the nose and the lips- an especially forgotten area of the face! When you are finished with your invigorating wash, splash with water, grab a dry wash cloth and firmly drag it across your skin. This motion is not rough and irritating, nor is it patting dry. Firm and with purpose, this dragging motion, done to taught skin, ensures that you are removing all the residue of the combined cleanser and everything the cleanser has bound to (oil, dirt etc). Be sure to drag upwards along the cheek to grab everything below the hair follicle (that goes for you ladies too! all that peach fuzz can catch a lot of residue).

Change your wash cloth every few days and use it only on your face. You will quickly find that this simple addition to your routine will keep your skin feeling lighter, you will have less congestion and your cleansing products will be more effective because they will be penetrating deeper into the epidermal tissue.”

Bio: Laura M. is one of milk + honey’s most requested estheticians. She always takes the time to educate her clients on how to better care for their skin so they can continue creating great skin at home. After all, why feed a girl one fish when you can teach her to go fishing. Be sure to schedule your next appointment with Laura where you can experience for yourself her amazing talent and expertise.


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  • Reply ggv March 26, 2011 at 3:47 pm

    “How-to” video on this would be cool. Just a thought.

    • Reply milk + honey March 29, 2011 at 3:30 pm

      I totally agree. Thanks for the great idea!

  • Reply Ane March 30, 2011 at 10:04 pm

    I love getting facials with Laura!! She does a phenomenal job, and has given me some incredible suggestions when it comes to my skin care regimen at home. I always look forward to her facials.

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