
CosMedix Prep Care Kit: March Product of the Month

March 1, 2011

Many people are intimidated by peels. Perhaps it’s that for a long time they were called “chemical peels” and “chemical” doesn’t sound very skin friendly.

Peels use a solution to improve the texture and health of the skin by removing dead and damaged outer layers of skin. They can be a powerful way to remove facial blemishes, control acne, even out skin pigmentation, remove fine wrinkles, and leave you with glowing, healthy skin.

Still worried about “chemical”? Most of our peels use plant enzymes and organic compounds (such as lactic acid) to achieve their goals. To learn more about our peels, click here.

If you are considering a peel, we are running a product special this month of a CosMedix Prep Care Kit, which includes everything that you need to prepare for one of our “Tomorrow” Peels. As product of the month, we’re offering it at a 20% discount for the month of March.

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