
Get the Bad Stuff Out of Cosmetics

January 21, 2011

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is an advocacy organization that is attempting to eliminate harmful chemicals from cosmetics and skin care products. Their mission is close to our heart. Why is it that so many skin care products contain chemicals that cause cancer, interfere with estrogen production, or simply cause irritation when they should soothe?

From the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics:

Researchers have found triclosan in the majority of Americans, including pregnant women. The chemical can have adverse effects on fetal growth and development,(2) may lead to bacterial resistance to antibiotics and harms aquatic life.(3) It’s in more than 75 percent of liquid hand soaps in the U.S.,(4) yet triclosan is no more effective than regular soap and water.

If you care about this as much as we do, click here to sign a petition to the EPA asking them to ban triclosan.

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