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Why spend on massage and spa services for your employees?

November 11, 2010

Looking for reasons why to bring massage and spa services to your place of business?

  • Increases performance and productivity
  • Reduces employee absenteeism and stress related turnover
  • Enhances employee loyalty and morale
  • Reduces worker’s compensation and insurance premiums
  • Relaxed employees are more likely to cooperate, adapt to change, and outperform stressed counterparts

Report of the Surgeon General on Physical Activity and Health:
Corporate wellness programs return $1.95 – $3.75 per employee per dollar spent and have a cumulative economic benefit of $500 – $700 per worker per year.

Statistics from the American Journal of Health Promotions:
For every $1 spent on wellness, employers can get up to $10 back through fewer medical claims, reduced absenteeism, improved productivity and other factors.

1996 study from International Journal of Neuroscience:
15 minute chair massage given twice weekly for a period of five weeks lowered anxiety, improved alertness and even showed increased speed and accuracy on math computations.

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