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The Rolling Stones

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Culture Snack: FOUND: Photographs of the Rolling Stones

January 16, 2014

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We stopped by the FOUND: Photographs of the Rolling Stones private opening on Tuesday evening at the DEN Property Group space to pay homage to one of our favorite Brits: Mick Jagger.

This candid set of Rolling Stones photos almost went totally unaccounted for until very recently. One might say the whole sequence of events that led up to this gallery showcase personifies the unpredictability of rock-n-roll. The photos were found in an unmarked box at a Los Angeles flea market, and to this day, the photographer remains unknown. What we do know — and see, front and center — is a snippet, a glimpse into the Rolling Stones’ 1965 American tour.

Set in both Savannah, Georgia and Clearwater, Florida, the now-familiar (and legendary) subjects, along with founding member and road manager Ian Stewart, chill around the pool and drink beers, capturing a time and feeling that reflects the beginning of a true rock-n-roll era.

If you find yourself on or near the corner of 3rd St. and Guadalupe St., definitely stop in.

The Details

FOUND: Photographs of the Rolling Stones
@ Den Property Group: 317 W. 3rd St.
Open Tuesday through Friday, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Now through March 14, 2014

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