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Mental Health

5 Self-Care Tips for Mental Health Awareness Month

May 21, 2024

1. Rise and really shine

Hitting snooze might seem like a tempting extra few minutes of sleep, but it often leads to a groggy start and a rushed morning. Instead of hitting snooze, embrace the opportunity to kickstart your day with intention. You’ll find that starting your day on the right foot sets a positive tone for the rest of the day ahead. So, resist the urge to hit snooze and seize the day.

2. Have an attitude of gratitude

Grab a notebook and write everything you’re thankful for in a gratitude journal. It can be as simple as a warm cup of coffee or a sunny day. Research has shown people who write in a gratitude journal regularly tend to feel happier and less stressed.

3. Tune into good news

Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to ignore the negative news circulating in the media and it can be overwhelming. But, there are also a ton of good things happening! Subscribe to channels that share good news stories for daily doses of positivity on your social media timelines.

4. Breathe in, breathe out, repeat

Meditation allows you to take a moment to pause, breathe, and relax which is extremely beneficial for your emotional well-being and overall health. Practice meditating to cope with stress and find balance throughout the day.

5. Catch quality Zzzz’s

Sleep is important to your brain’s performance, mood, and physical and mental health. The blue light from your phone can disrupt your body’s melatonin production and circadian rhythm. Instead of scrolling, read a book to wind down before bed.

Find more helpful tips and Mental Health Resources here

Mental Health, Q+A

Q+A with Liz Davis

May 21, 2024

Liz Davis is a clinical hypnotist, energy healer, yoga teacher, and a spiritual guide. She has been in wellness professionally since 2009. Every service Liz offers has had a direct and transformative shift in her own life. Through her own healing journey, She has gained the tools and training to support you, in your healing journey. It is her greatest wish to work together. To reveal your truth. To grow. To heal.  To claim the life you deserve of health, wealth, and happiness.


1. How did you begin your work?

I began doing this work after I left NYC and the fashion industry. It was through my own healing experience with reiki and crystal healing.

2. Why did you want to go into this type of work?

I wanted to get into this work when I finally was able to feel my inner light reactivated. My first session changed something in me that I prayed for years that regular therapy wasn’t able to touch on. This was something deeper, more profound, and spiritual. I wanted to be able to give others what had been giving to me. 

3. How do you stay mindful when things get stressful?

This is a great question, a few different things I love to do, but most deal with coming back into my body and out of my head. I love to practice yoga, ride my bike, or dance my heart out! I also really love to journal when I can’t seem to quite my mind. 

4. Why is mental health important to you?

Because life is too short and too beautiful to waste a moment of it.

5. What do you hope people learn from the work you do?

I hope that people learn that you can create the life of your dreams. No matter what you have endured, transformation is possible if you are willing to be radically open and honest with yourself. I know what rock bottom feels like and I know what it is to grow from that and what a dream it is to be the co-creator of your life.

Be sure to find Liz at our Mindful Moments sessions in the spa during May for Mental Health Awareness Month. Book your spot in an early morning meditation + guided journaling session at one of our spa locations nationwide, today.

Learn more about Liz here,

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