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Deep Tissue Massage

Body, Massage

Which Massage Style Is Right For You?

July 11, 2017

Today, 2nd Street District massage therapist, Monique, gives us the 411 on the differences between three individual massage techniques.

Massage therapy is a vast field with a variety of different techniques and treatments. If you’re not a massage therapist, it can be a bit difficult choosing what type of technique is best for you. Well, take a deep breath. I’m going to break down the differences between the Big Three: Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Sports Massage. 

To start, Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Sports Massage are all massage modalities.  Within each of these modalities, I’ll use different massage techniques to help you achieve your individual goals. I like to tell my clients to think of massage as a blank canvas. The primary colors are the basic techniques of Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Sports, which provide the foundation for any session. By mixing these colors, or techniques, you get different variations and modalities. All of these different massage techniques can be incorporated into your session so that it caters to your unique and individual needs.

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