Beauty, Skin Care, Treatments

Baby, It’s Cold Outside – How’s Your Skin Doing?

November 13, 2014

{Guest post by one of milk + honey’s expert estheticians, Bella G.}

One of the most frequent questions I receive is “how often should I get a facial?”… The thing is — there’s no standard answer. Instead, here are the factors and questions I ask to frame a response and “plan of action” for the best type of skincare for you.

What type of skin do you have?
– Someone with active, chronic acne might need to initially come more often (sometimes as much as every week in the beginning), so the esthetician can perform extractions to help stop the breakout cycle and closely monitor how the skin is doing on the prescribed at-home skincare.
– Mature skin benefits from monthly facials to stimulate circulation and remove dead skin cells that dull the complexion.
– Normal and sensitive skin types can go for longer periods, but I think all skin types should come in at least quarterly.

What’s your budget?
– I’d rather see you once a year than not at all. This gives us a chance to talk about your skin. I can answer any questions you have and can set you up with an at-home skincare regimen that meets the needs of your face and wallet.
– Choosing to invest in your skin this year? Come every month. Then we can add peels, make sure that you are on some form of vitamin A as well as an epidermal growth factor, and regularly apply micro-currents to the skin to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

Is there an issue you want to focus on?
– Hyper-pigmentation can be radically reduced with a series of peels spaced two to three weeks apart.
– Acne can benefit from regular extractions and an occasional peel to help purge any deep congestion.
– Just want to relax? There is something about having another person’s hands on your face, head, neck and shoulders that creates a deep state of calm. Facials are actually a great stress reliever!

I will say that the ideal is that I get to see you every month. Your outermost layer of skin (the stratum corneum) renews itself approximately every 28 days. Getting a monthly facial means that you can enjoy having a refreshed appearance immediately and better penetration of any products you are using at home. Over time, you get the benefits of having your new cells replicated by the now healthier treated cells, and all your products will work faster and more effectively. There is definitely a cumulative effect to having regular facials.

– Increases blood circulation allowing for optimal skin health.
– Decreases puffiness, sallow complexion, and detoxifies by stimulating the lymphatic system.
– Facial massage smooths fine lines and promotes collagen production.
– Cleanses pores on a deeper level, preventing the stretching and widening of pores that can happen overtime with unchecked accumulation of oil and debris.
– Helps even tone and lighten dark spots.
– Slows down the aging process.

You can’t underestimate the value of taking a little time out for yourself every so often. Energy follows thought, and what we choose to focus on can — and does — bring about real change.

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