Employee of the Month

June Employee of the Month: Helen

June 11, 2012

We are so excited to announce Helen is the June Employee of the Month.

Hugs. Smiles. Band-aids. Light bulbs. You need it, Helen’s got it and she’ll giggle while she helps you find it! Helen has been a valued member of the milk + honey team since 2008 and she brings a certain kind of sunshine to the 2nd Street District spa. Helen’s helpful nature and cheery attitude brighten the days for all that come in contact with her. Be sure to visit Helen in the 2nd Street District housekeeping department. Her glow will most definitely rub off on you too! Without her hard work and sneaky lightning fast ninja skills our spa would not be as beautiful and efficient. Please give Helen a high-five or salute when you see her around and congratulate her on being June’s Employee of the Month.

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